
Diabolik lovers subaru bites yui
Diabolik lovers subaru bites yui

diabolik lovers subaru bites yui

We finish our meals then we all head out for school. I eat in silence glancing up at my sister every once in a while. The vampire I hate least is Subaru of course I kinda sorta maybe care for him but I'm not going to admit that. I take my seat between Subaru and Shu and across from the triplets. Just sniff the food to make sure it didn't poisoned. I've been in this house for a while and learned that being rebellious doesn't mean you have to refuse to eat. I walk out my room and head downstairs for breakfast. I need to cover the bite marks covering me so I usually just wear it down with two braids pulled to the back of my head then braided together. I got ready as quick as I can reminded of the fact that Shu and Laito are pervs. I shake the thought away then turn to my mirror. I can't help but think of when he tried to… I shivered at the lingering feeling of Reiji. I jumped away from him and slipped into my bathroom grabbing my outfit. I winced and turned to the blazing eyes of Reiji Sakamaki. "Probably because they have become to relaxed around you." A cold hand gripped my shoulder. I looked at my hands in awe, "how did I just do that?"

diabolik lovers subaru bites yui

I blink twice before jumping up backing away. When I opened my eyes again I had my knee on Shus chest pinning him down o the ground and I had Subaru on the ground too his arm behind his back and his face to the ground. I blacked out and could see nothing except gold. Their fangs drew close to my neck and something in my brain just clicked like a switch. I tried to pull my wrists away but these dudes have super strength. "Now that I think of it I'm pretty parched too."

diabolik lovers subaru bites yui

Then a cold hand clamped around my other wrist, I turned to Shu's face. How did I not see this coming? "I give me some of your blood.L Suddenly he grabbed my by my wrist causing me to drop my clothes. Why would I dream of something that bizarre? "then go get a drink of water, duh." I sighed picking out my outfit I was still so focused on the dream. He was doing his usual leaning against a wall with one foot propped up and his arms crossed. "Uri." I hear my voice in the angry voice of the one and only tsundere subaru. "As I have said before nothing I won't see already," he said still lying in my bed. I grit my teeth before kicking out the bed, "get out so I can change." He peeked an eye open, "this is my house meaning that this is also my bed. I groan, "why are you in my bed! You have your own!" "Eh?" I followed the trail of feet all the way up to the face of Shu. Then I noticed there was a dip in my bed.

diabolik lovers subaru bites yui

I sit up and rub my sleepy eyes and then smooth my curly hair. "That dream was so trippy," I say through breaths. The underwater world around me blurred and then I popped my eyes open. I felt like my body was being twisted around. This chick Lilith was causing me a bunch of problems and we might have to fight. You couldn't tell where it was coming from. I turn around to see a bright blue bird perched precariously from my reach. "Caw!" I heard the haunting call of a raven. I looked up to see that the sky was nowhere to be seen. I got up and once I did my feet immediately left the ground. All around the sea floor were crosses towering over me stuck in the floor. But at the top of the branches out of my reach was a big, bright, red apple. Well I also didn't get the fact that on the floor of the ocean beside me was a gnarled tree with a little green apples dotting its branches. I could breathe and talk though which is what I didn't get. I was in my school uniform sitting underwater. I finally open my indigo eyes expecting the usual sight of my bedroom at the Sakamaki mansion. Yo Lilith someone's calling your name and I'm trying to sleep so hurry over there.

Diabolik lovers subaru bites yui